
Monday, January 01, 2024

Into A New Year

Time once again to reveal my resolution word for the new year. I often have ideas pop into my head in advance of the end of one year and beginning of the next, but this year I was drawing a blank, no inspiration hitting me. But at last I had a thought, and the thought became something I warmed to. And I decided, this is it: my resolution word for 2024 will be "ORGANIZE". I'm generally quite the organizer but I've fallen off the wagon for too long. One look in my studio will tell you how badly I need to get that space organized again, but it is not the only space in my house needing attention. Also, my computer, full of photos that need sorting and/or deleting, saves to read later, things to print out. I need to get back to making lists too, short term and long term things and projects to complete, and I know that will help me stay more organized. I think I have a big job ahead of me but I am very ready to have a less clutter space everywhere, with organizing keeping me on track. Because you know, I still have so much to finish and no end to new things I want to try.

Speaking of new things, I have a confession to make. I've definitely been bitten by the knitting bug again, and have been spending a lot of time poring over patterns I have and downloading new free patterns to print out. I'd gotten out my stash of yarns, thinking to match what I had to patterns at hand, so that once that pair of socks is done, I can dive into the next project and start using up yarn. As I went through the bags, I was reminded of the mill end wool yarns I used to get at a yarn shop in town and wondering if they still carried them now that the shop had changed hands. The owner must have ESP because shortly after that, she posted that they had just gotten in a new shipment and showed a picture of them hanging on the wall. It was too much for me to resist, although I kept telling myself I did NOT need more yarn. But yarn is like quilting fabric, and one buys it even if one doesn't need it, because it is beautiful, and in this case quite a deal - just $4.50 per 190 yd skein. Be still my heart, as I focused on a lavender one. Against my better judgement, I stopped by, and not only bought all of the lavender yarn, but also the beautiful blue yarn right next to it. So there is my big bag of yarn, with enough there for a couple of sweaters. I already have it paired with patterns and am way too excited about getting started on them.

So that's how I'm starting off 2024 - with high hopes to get organized and way too much yarn for evening knitting! How about you? Have you done any reflecting on how 2023 went for you? Any plans or resolutions for the new year? Calm has a Facebook page where they post meditative and well, calming things, and I thought this offering might be good to work through; maybe you will too. Let's have a great New Year!



For previous year's resolution words, see these posts:

2008 - Freedom
2009 - Calm
2010 - Focus
2011 - Refocus
2013 - Perseverance
2014 - Explore
2015 - Fearless
2016 - Light
2017 - Endure 
2018 - Refresh
2019 - Wing It!  
2020 - Go! 
2021 - Finish 
2022 - More 
2023 - Continue



  1. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I don't have a specific word for the coming year, but I'm trying to choose projects that are a bit smaller in size. Collage quilts that are wall hangings fit that category well. I'll still make bed sized quilts, but fewer of those going forward. I'm not a knitter but will enjoy watching your progress with that beautiful yarn! Wishing you a peaceful and happy 2024! Jan in WY

  2. Knitting seems like a good thing to take up in the winter, and that yarn in the bag sure is beautiful -- like a soft purple twilight. Have fun!

  3. Thanks Jan. And that sounds like a good intent going forward. I made a similar decision about the size of projects a few years back. I keep telling myself I think I have one good bigger quilt let in me, but actually have two in mind I'd like to complete. With no deadline looming on either, they sit in that "someday" pile, complete with pattern and material - lol. I'd think the collage quilts might be helpful in reducing the scrap stash - if you're anything like me, it's pretty big as it's hard to throw away even the little pieces. :-)

    Yes, Sherrie, knitting does seem like a winter activity for sure. I'm still not sure what I'll knit from that new yarn, but I'm leaning toward a sweater with Aran style cables. In the meantime, gotta finish the socks!
