Lois wanted to know what I'm working on with the ties. This post shows one of at least six leaf prints stamped on 5" squares of hand-died fabric with potential tie fabric which would serve as a background. To the right are 2 backgrounds ready to go. I know this doesn't look like much, but the leaf-print square will be centered on the background, then the whole thing wrapped around stretched canvas. So what you are seeing here is a 13" square of which only the center 10" will show. I hope that makes sense.
I was able to get two squares out of only several of the ties. The others would only yield one of the 6-3/4" squares I needed. It was a bit of a trick to find fabrics that would work together, and then, do you have any idea how many ways you can turn & arrange just 4 pieces of fabric? I probably spent much more time than I should have on that part, but in the end, it seemed important for proper balance.
And then I had these narrow shards and triangles left over. I was having a hard time pushing myself to the next step on the leaf prints, so I sat down and randomly sewed the shards together. I'd had this thought about making squares crazy quilt style with the leftovers that could then be additional backgrounds, but it took no time at all to go off-track and think this was going nowhere but ugly and unusable. In a last ditch effort, I added the bigger triangles to complete a rectangle instead of a square and magically, it started to work for me. I'm not sure what I'm putting on it yet (it's about 6 x 10 inches) but I'm thinking something swirling like a fiddlehead fern or a Celtic spiral in a gold sheer. Or maybe floating some individual leaves on it. We shall see.
I was able to get two squares out of only several of the ties. The others would only yield one of the 6-3/4" squares I needed. It was a bit of a trick to find fabrics that would work together, and then, do you have any idea how many ways you can turn & arrange just 4 pieces of fabric? I probably spent much more time than I should have on that part, but in the end, it seemed important for proper balance.
I just love how you're putting these tie fabrics together, Sheila. That last piece in particular really works for me...the colors, the movement, fantastic!
Oh, Connie, I take that as high praise from someone I consider to be an expert in these things - your paper & fabric collage work spurs me on!
I love using ties in art projects, you are doing such a lovely job! I always enjoy visiting your blog!
How creative! Really beautiful work! Blessings, Joanne
What a wonderful, original approach to working with ties.
Thanks, Joanne and LaughingLG - the fabric in these ties are so interesting and beautiful that they deserve something other than the usual.
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