I've been in that in between place, where a goal has been met and the next goal not quite set. I updated my to do list for October and have worked a bit on catching up my documentation files, but really...that totally clear work table coupled with the completion of a couple of non-art quilts has enticed me layer up a quilt top that has been languishing in the closet since probably 2005 instead of start the next art quilt. It was my sample for a class I taught from the book Shape Up Your Fat Quarters by Debbie Caffrey. The shop had gotten in a new line of fabric that I liked (too often I ended up making samples with fabric I wasn't keen on), and I could dip into my stash of reproduction fat quarters to augment it. I was so pleased with how it came out that I knew I'd be quilting this one up for my own use.
But it has stayed on the sidelines while other lap quilts got finished up instead. I've been thinking about it a lot this year, thinking I might want to use it on my bed. But it is a big quilt top, and I kept putting it off. It was calling pretty loudly from the closet last week, and since that is part of what I insisted would drive my project choices this year, I'm at least going to get it layered up and pin-basted this week.
So out of the UFO bin it came yesterday, along with the binding fabric and other leftovers. Inside the book are photos I took of the top (yes, I remembered correctly how much I like), extra block units and a small drunkard's path sample from some of the same fabrics (so THAT'S where it went). The book has quite a few notes jotted throughout the pattern directions - things to point out to students - as well as some dimensions and instructions on piping. Piping? This is the problem with setting aside a project for so long - you literally forget some of the things you meant to do. Been thinking hard about this and vaguely remember something about using up some of the yellow scraps in piping - you know, that bit of pop at the binding? But of the fabric stored with the top, I'm not seeing much yellow. And I'm not sure I'm up for piping, although it's not that hard to add. I'm not even sure I'm up for piecing a backing. Rifling through my store of longer yardages, I came up with two coordinating prints (neither enough yardage on their own) and some 108" wide muslin. The muslin, obviously, is ready to go, the other choice in need of seaming. I'm a bit torn about this decision, so am giving it a rest today.

Something else calling out to me last week was this building. It's on my walking route and I particularly like that angling at the top of the facade. There's also some big pots of plants on either side of the door and the siding is corrugated aluminum - lots to work with. I'm not sure how long I worked on this, but I didn't have the patience to get beyond lightly sketching out some main details - I'll go back on another day and work on it some more. Again, I had the sense I was being held back by the size and even the shape of this sketchbook. I did some blocking in first but still managed to get off. Perhaps what I need to do is start carrying a grid like this dual purpose one (also can be used as a value finder). I learned that trick in a drawing class. I definitely want to add color once done, greys for the siding and those extensions over the doors and windows are about the same red as the grid tool.

In the meantime, fall is edging its way in, the birch outside my studio window starting to succumb. But the geraniums on my back deck are going gangbusters, still afternoons warm enough to sit outside and enjoy them.
By the way, Margaret Cooter has made good on her promise to answer the Around the World Blog Hop questions sans tagging people. Go check out her post here. I think it's pretty interesting stuff!