Exploring the creative journey...MY creative journey...as expressed through textiles. What nurtures it, what blocks it? Inspirations, frustrations and "doing the work." Oh yes - and the occasional rant.
Saturday, March 31, 2007

Friday, March 23, 2007
A Bit of Progress
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Being at the Right Place
Alyson B Standfield's St. Patrick's Day post entitled, "Do you feel lucky?" commented: "Luck has little to do with your art career." I understand what she was getting at, that we can't sit around waiting to be discovered, that we have to put in a lot of hard work to be successful. (Read entire post here.)"The greatest sin against your own life is to know what you want, and not act."
"Kim R. Strafford, Lochsa Road: A Pilgrim in the West, copyright 1991
Sounds like luck to me. Or at least the stars aligning, as I like to say.
Monday, March 19, 2007
More Birches - New Texture
I was focusing on the shapes and textures in the trunks, so at first missed the fact that some of them were reflected in the windows.
My fascination is with this texture. My Wisconsin birches (see example here) had arrow head shapes in the trunks.
Interview with Chuck Close
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Celebrating Our Day...
Friday, March 16, 2007
Back in the Studio
An Afternoon Out
One of the things on my "to do" list this week was to view some art after getting my hair cut on Thursday. My salon is downtown and a short walk from the artist cooperative, Artworks Gallery. There's such a wonderful variety of mediums represented there, and this month they were featuring a new artist which gave me an excuse to stop by. I couldn't pass up this wool/mohair yarn which is such a luscious color and has such an interesting twist. What will I do with it? Oh, who knows! Probably not enough to knit anything useful. I would want to use a rather loose stitch I think to show off that texture. On the other hand, I could knit or crochet something small that could be added to a textile piece. Or, I could try my hand at weaving. I suppose I could even try placing strands of it between Sulky Solvy and stitching with decorative threads to make a scarf or something to add to a textile piece. But for now, I'll just be enjoying how beautiful it looks all wound up in its little ball.
I thought I might also find a greeting card for a friend there. Many of the photographers and painters who have full size pieces displayed also have some of their original designs represented on notecards. I found a lovely "Birch Grove" one by Dorothy Modafferi of Hope, ID. As luck would have it, she happened to be working the register so we got a chance to chat about our love of these trees. Read more about Dorothy here.
I continued down the street to Wine Sellers on the Lake which had advertised an exhibit of local art running through March. I'd not been in this store yet, housed in one of the old brick buildings. It's high ceilings gave plenty of room to hang paintings, etchings, prints and photographs above the merchandise. I was even offered a free glass of wine to sip while I enjoyed the art. Nothing was really catching my eye much until I got to the end of the room and spotted a grouping of mixed media work looking very much like it could be textiles. After closer examination, I decided it was probably acrylic paints applied in thick "strings" with beads and chips of stones or gems glued to the surface. It was very effective and I liked the geometric designs coupled with the texture created with the various elements. Sorry - no name to direct you to.
There's one more exhibit downtown that I didn't have time for, but it runs until the middle of April. It features student and teacher art from 3 or 4 area high schools. I've often marveled at the work seen in exhibits like this. Young raw uninhibited expression sometimes trumps experience!
Monday, March 12, 2007
"Imagination Unleashed" Quilt Show
By the way, there were a few vendors in attendance, but I managed to walk away from them. Not to say I wasn't tempted by the wonderful range of yarns and other goodies. However, I did come away with a few free beads. Must check out this store some day soon.

Thursday, March 08, 2007
What can you do in 15 minutes?
"What do you have that you want to accomplish? Can you devote 15 minutes to it each day?"
Back in December of 2005, I wrote about capturing those small bits of time here. I was thinking more in terms of the minutes I waste because I think I need large chunks of time before starting anything. But there are many little tasks that can be completed in 5, 10 or 15 minutes. Or at least a good start can be made on them. I'm still trying to master the mindset necessary to dive into a task rather than procrastinate until I think I have more time to devote to it.
Things I didn't count on, Things I forgot...

Monday, March 05, 2007
Goals for the Week of March 5
- Print journal quilt label, fuse in place and secure edges to back .
- Complete documentation file for challenge quilt.
- Continue quilting on Grid 3
Easily Amused...
Sunday, March 04, 2007
February Journal Quilt

Approaching Your Life Work
"Do not depend on the hope of results ...concentrate on the value...and the truth of the work itself."