Today I made three fabric postcards. Yes, I'm really running this down to the wire. I had extra holly leaves left over from the holiday quilt, so it wasn't much of a trick to trace and cut more berries, arrange on the background, fuse and quilt around. I was disappointed with how the variegated thread I used for the quilting looked around the outside, so switched to the dark green rayon thread for the other two. Then I went back and used a triple stitch in the green next to the variegated satin stitching to create a little definition. These two are going to the sister-in-law' who by now have seen the wall quilt that inspired them.
By the way, did you know you could quilt with ease through two postcards at once? Yes, I lost about half an hour taking out quilting when I realized I'd not separated the two stacked on top of one another. I guess the effects of that cold are still lingering...
By the way, did you know you could quilt with ease through two postcards at once? Yes, I lost about half an hour taking out quilting when I realized I'd not separated the two stacked on top of one another. I guess the effects of that cold are still lingering...
Cute postcards, I love sending and receiving them:) My post office sees me coming with them:) Now I thought I was the only one who made mistakes like sewing through two post cards...I do silly things all the time also:) Makes my projects interesting. Best wishes for a Happy Holiday week to you. Jenna Louise
Thanks! No you are definitely not alone - for some reason too many people think I am perfectly perfect, so I enjoy sharing these moments of imperfection, of which I have many! Happy holidays to you too!
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