Thursday, September 12, 2019

How About Some Clouds?

It's been awhile since I've tried to capture sunset clouds, but after my hike last week, as I was catching up on the computer, I happened to look over my shoulder out the window to see these coral beauties. Grabbed my camera, raced downstairs and started shooting, the colors already starting to fade. You've gotta be quick with sunsets! This will give you something to look at while I'm preparing the post of this week's waterfall adventure.



The Inside Stori said...

So very peaceful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful variety of sunset photos! The colors are so soft & restful. Jan in WY

Michele Matucheski said...

Ah cloud-spotting -- so relaxing! When I lived in Madison, I used to regularly go out to Cherokee Marsh to watch the sunset. Best light show in town! And free! I always had my little candle lantern, so I could see my way back along the path through the woods to get back to the car. I loved it out there!