Saturday, October 19, 2024

Creativity and Cottonwoods

As I've journeyed through my quilting career, I've soaked in so many bits of advice to the point that I rarely run across anything new to me and frankly have even stopped clicking into most of them. But I couldn't resist checking out this one due to the title: "I've studied creative people for 40 years: They share these 6 habits." Hmm - I think of myself as a creative person. How do I stand up? Well, I don't quite have them all but most, and especially the outdoor habit. I hardly miss a daily walk where there are many opportunities to study trees. Read the article here and let me know if you have all six habits.

So with a cold front due to move in with rain the next day, I needed to get out somewhere in the great outdoors before it arrived, but I decided not to make the 45 or so minute drive to that new trail I discovered. Instead, I headed into town to check out how the leaves were turning and had a choice between City Beach or the Bay Trail. I didn't think I was up for the Bay Trail so settled for enjoying the lake front from city beach. Lake draw down has started and most boats have been pulled from the docks, but it isn't down all that much, still beautiful views. From the spit I could look across at the Bay Trail which is lined with cottonwood trees, now showing their colors. I wasn't sure if they would be, but gazing across I was almost sorry I didn't take that trail. It's lovely walking beneath that golden canopy.

I spotted some rather scraggly flowers next to the walkway, but pretty all the same.

The cottonwoods have finally amped up their color, and the birch trees are following suit. I took these pictures along the service road next to the dog park.

They are at their best when the sun hits them.  

And they are sooooo tall!

I don't have pictures but have noticed some trees that have turned color in what seems an odd way. At least I don't remember noticing before how some trees have both yellow and orange leaves in different parts of the tree. And one tree at City Beach had yellow leaves close to the trunk while the outer leaves were orange red. You really had to look closely to see those yellow leaves hiding underneath. And while many trees are at peak, others have leaves that are stubbornly staying green. What are you observing in your neck of the woods?


Pat said...

4 and a half to 5 out of 6. Outdoors is problematic more often than not unless I'm in the mountains. And daily? I might have to reconsider what I DO do daily as being one of my creative outlets. Thanks for the invitation and link.

The Idaho Beauty said...

Yes, Pat, that's about how I shook out, the hangup being that "daily" thing. I think there was a time when I was doing something creative every day but not so much lately. "Production" as it were has really slowed down. And I always chuckle to myself when my yoga teacher asks about our daily practice. Mine is more like an every other day practice. ;-) Thank YOU for looking at the link and commenting.

Anonymous said...

I read the article twice just to be sure I didn't miss any important points. I'm going to say 4/6 on a 'regular basis'. During warm enough weather we sit on our deck enjoying the late afternoon activity in our backyard & just winding down. There's lots of inspiration during those quiet moments. And, coming up with ideas for projects while in the shower is definitely something I experience! Your changing leaves are beautiful...and inspiring! Jan in WY

The Idaho Beauty said...

Yes, Jan - sitting out on your deck, like my sitting out on mine, is such a special way to relax, take in the view and what might be happening in it and just let your mind wander. I had to laugh though when it said "Nature is a place where our minds can rest, relax, and let down … threat responses. . . ." ahem, except if the nature you are in is bear country like you and I have to be conscious of - lol. I don't think I've come up with ideas while in the shower but they do come when I'm out walking or right before falling asleep. I imagine you have some good fall colors too - I'm really soaking them up here.