I finally got around to making the last coiled fabric basket I had in mind before putting all those supplies away. The picture above shows how the two I sent to my friend who winters in CA were quickly put into use to corral feet and thread spools under her acrylic sewing machine extension table. What a brilliant idea, I realized, as that area under my own extension table is where packets of needles are scattered.
I wanted mine to be oval though in order to stack the packets upright and not too big. I had the tail end of the package of clothesline I'd been using that looked to be exactly the amount I'd need. And it was!
I surveyed the strips on my worktable and decided to see if I couldn't use up 3 or 4 short teal ones plus a single lighter teal print strip I hoped would cover the starting center line. Yup, worked pretty well. Then it was add the raindrop fabric strips as I worked up the sides and top it off with strips of the weird floral I'm not keen on.
I've made at least one oval version of these baskets and remember them being trickier than the round ones and this one was even trickier because of its narrow base. However, I persevered and it came out pretty well, nicely holding all my needles under the extension table. I still have quite a bit of the rain drop fabric strips and even the floral I don't care for but it's all going back into the big bag of coiled basket supplies. Time to move on to other things.
On a side note, we've been going through a bit of a warming trend which makes one wonder if spring is closer than one thinks (but the weatherman is quick to remind that this is March and we still could get some more snow). Could ducks along my walk paddling and feeding in a swale be a sure sign?
My camera couldn't catch it but that is a very bright green-headed mallard and his mate. She barely came up for air while he seemed more in protection mode, staying close and only occasionally ducking down to eat. They didn't seem to be too concerned about me pausing to watch. I haven't seen them since, although the swale is still full of water. Are you seeing any signs of spring in your area?