Saturday, January 26, 2019

It's Done

I've put the finishing touches on my recycle bookbinding challenge at long last. Frankly, my interest was waning and I am SO tired of dragonflies that I don't want to see another one for a long time! Talk about a learning experience though. So many things I should have thought through before forging ahead with parts of it. Things I discovered about pens and adhesives through trial and error. Overall, it did not turn out too badly. But I really didn't think I'd be fiddling with it for so many months. This first post about it from last May sets the scene: Evolution of a "Simple" Project. And the rest of this post is photos of each page in all their recycled/upcycled glory - packing paper, paper made from junk mail, used teabags, images from catalogs, magazines, tissue and wrapping paper, and fabric, security envelop patterns, salvaged cording and crewel yarn, and of course, the cover which was the start of it all, made from a shopping bag. Click on any photo for a larger view. Apologies for the few that are out of focus.

If you have questions about process, see these additional posts:


JB said...

Such a lovely finished product. Sorry is was such a hassle. The handles left on the cover are a pleasant surprise. Do you have plans to make a tutorial so the rest of us can benefit from your trial and error?

The Idaho Beauty said...

Thank you JB. No on the tutorial - I am SO done with this project! But if you go back and read the posts linked at the bottom, I think they mostly cover my process and the bumps in the road that you would be interested in. If after having done that, you still have specific questions, feel free to ask.

One thing I don't think I mentioned was forgetting that the binding thread would show down the middle of the spread where I was adding text across it, meaning that to read some of it you have to move the thread to one side. And all those pens and their colors - it really was specific to that packing paper and its darkish value. I kept thinking my text would show up better if I went with a darker ink when in fact it was the exact opposite. And I was towards the end of the project when it dawned on me that I should have had the security envelop endpapers placed OVER the edge of the turned in edges of the bag not slipped under it. Thus those big dragonflies adhered there!

The Inside Stori said...


Margaret Ball said...


The Idaho Beauty said...

Thanks, Mary and Margaret!