I've spent the last couple of days quilting on my dancing trees challenge quilt. Step one: stabilize and define trunks with stitch in the ditch using a sumptuous silk buttonhole twist in dark brown. You can see how this subtle stitching makes a difference by comparing the unstitched area on the left.

Then it was time to stitch those Emily Carr skies. Perhaps you can see better my plan, how the placement of the different fabrics create an over & under swirling, thread color matched to the underlying fabric. The skies are dancing the Virginia Reel. Note how I worked out the direction of the stitching on one of my sample sketches.

I tested different green threads for the ground and settled on a rayon thread that looked good on both the dark and light green fabric. It didn't do much to blend the two but I decided that was ok. If I want to tone down the lighter green, I like June's idea of applying colored pencil.
So there's a ton of movement in the small quilt, and I'm thinking perhaps I should leave the trees alone. I'm afraid that if I quilt texture into them, or even just irregular lines, it will be too much. Any opinions? Ah, come on...you know you're dying to comment!
Then it was time to stitch those Emily Carr skies. Perhaps you can see better my plan, how the placement of the different fabrics create an over & under swirling, thread color matched to the underlying fabric. The skies are dancing the Virginia Reel. Note how I worked out the direction of the stitching on one of my sample sketches.
I tested different green threads for the ground and settled on a rayon thread that looked good on both the dark and light green fabric. It didn't do much to blend the two but I decided that was ok. If I want to tone down the lighter green, I like June's idea of applying colored pencil.
So there's a ton of movement in the small quilt, and I'm thinking perhaps I should leave the trees alone. I'm afraid that if I quilt texture into them, or even just irregular lines, it will be too much. Any opinions? Ah, come on...you know you're dying to comment!
As you've gone to so much effort with piecing to get that 3d effect, I wouldn't quilt the trees as it might flatten them. Tho' perhaps a bit of hand seeding ( different scale of stitch would also emphasise they're in front )Or if you do decide to machine quilt , just a narrow line along the trunk?
It's really beautiful, Sheila. I think I agree that not quilting the trees would make them stand out more. But in the end, I know you'll do whatever's right for the piece!
I love the colors. I don't know if the trees need more or not. Maybe try one and see?
Very nice and interesting:) I love lots of quilting, it adds so much character. Can't wait to see your finished piece. Thanks for sharing:) Jenna Louise
My rule of thumb: when I think I have enough texture, I add two more elements. vbg You asked! Seriously, I think it's going to be wonderful, either way!
I think I might leave the trees alone, too. They will pop a little if they aren't quilted down and everything else is. It's coming along swell!
I'm just waiting to see what you decide --snort--
Thanks everyone for chiming in...I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a decision based more on the fact that I wanted to be done than what was best for the quilt. June, wait no more - I'm popping it into the frame tomorrow and will take a picture...only two weeks late!
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