Well, biggish, at least compared with the small format I've used for awhile now. The big stack n whack blocks are being set into a vertical strip quilt set, and it's time to cut the strips that will go on each side, top and bottom. Cutting long strips like these is so much easier when your fabric has stripes to guide you. And you have a large surface to work on. I chuckled at the suggestion of one of my friends who just visited; after seeing my studio in person and hearing my lament that I wish I could store all my fabric together instead of in the various bins, baskets and boxes it now hides in, she thought the obvious solution to be reducing my ping pong table to half its size. I know I keep saying I'm not going to make any more really big quilts, but I also know I have a few of these bigger ones in my "unfinished business" file. I refuse to give up this big flat surface even if that weren't true!

This is really coming together nicely (and the colors in this pic are reading pretty true). I've decided I really must miter the corners when I add the striped fabric around the outside. A big concession for me as I don't particularly like fussing with miters. And this isn't destined to hang on a wall or even spread over a bed. It will be on the small side of a lap quilt, and at best be folded over the back of a couch. But I think I would be unhappy if I just butted the borders. The miters should echo a bit the flow of the stripe around the stars. So I have paused to do some calculations - measure many many times, cut once. Because, baby, after all these years, I'm not going to find more of that fabric...
This is really coming together nicely (and the colors in this pic are reading pretty true). I've decided I really must miter the corners when I add the striped fabric around the outside. A big concession for me as I don't particularly like fussing with miters. And this isn't destined to hang on a wall or even spread over a bed. It will be on the small side of a lap quilt, and at best be folded over the back of a couch. But I think I would be unhappy if I just butted the borders. The miters should echo a bit the flow of the stripe around the stars. So I have paused to do some calculations - measure many many times, cut once. Because, baby, after all these years, I'm not going to find more of that fabric...
It's so satisfying to make a larger quilt now and then, they call me too! (I really must finish the last ones I started!) The ping pong table is a great idea and I'm thinking it must be a lot less strain on your back, so no, you must keep it!
You could just make corner blocks and avoid the whole mitering thing...
Well, duh, bj! I can't believe I forgot that solution, one I've used before when I was short on fabric and certainly solves the problem of mitering. It would give me a chance to use more of that green I used in the star corner triangle too. I'm sure I have enough left. Thanks for giving me another option to consider.
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