Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Marking the Anniversary Once Again

F. Allen Barnes III - 11/12/1953 - 7/5/2000

My guy . . . taken too soon. I'll be spending the week remembering, and hopefully doing some special things to mark our years together. He had such faith in me, more than I had in myself. I think about all the things I've had to get through without his support since his death and realize that he would have had no doubt that I could, urging me on from beyond. And he pushed me in my quilting too, never letting me slacken my standards. So I'll be trying to live up to some of that in the studio, in his honor, in his memory.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful tribute. Your memories are priceless. Jan in WY

The Idaho Beauty said...

Awww, thank you Jan.

Sherrie Spangler said...

I'm sure he would be proud of everything you have done!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Sherrie, I sure hope so, If not, he wouldn't be shy about telling me so!