Friday, July 05, 2024

It's That Anniversary Again

Each year on the anniversary of my husband's death, I pause and contemplate our life together, from meeting at college to forging a partnership through marriage and finally to our last days together. When I sit down to blog about it each year, I've looked for photos that showed the various aspects of the person who loved me, supported me and did good out in the world. Often I've shared the motorcycle part since that was such a big part of what might be termed the second half of our life together, and this year I got out an old photo album to hunt down pictures from a 1998 motorcycle vacation that included visiting Copper Falls State Park in Wisconsin, looking for waterfall pictures which is what you see above.

Unexpectedly as I flipped through pages, I ran across these two photos of us from 1997 when we flew back to Olympia, WA for a friend's wedding. It was held at an old house with wrap-around porches sporting fantastic views, and I remember how much we enjoyed just sitting out there with no cares. My initial reaction upon seeing his smiling face in this photo was, well hello handsome - you clean up well! Then noted what I'd written at the top of the page: "Here's to you - you handsome devil!" Ah yes, I always loved it when he dressed up, always looking so smart.

Which prompted me to hunt down another pic I took of him "all suited up". Of course, the current furry child had to be included. This was in the early 80's and after realizing he had to give up teaching at least for awhile, he was putting out resumes and preparing for interviews. He really didn't have a suitable suit so I sent him off to pick something out. He came back with a beautiful 3-piece suit and what else he needed to go with it. Sigh . . . I loved it every time there was an event when I could accompany him wearing that suit.


So that's my story for this year. I'll be raising a glass of something later today saying, "Here's to you - you handsome devil! Thanks for every memory." 


Anonymous said...

Sheila, you're in my heart & thoughts on this anniversary. Your husband certainly was a 'handsome devil' & you were pretty good-looking, yourself! Thanks for sharing with your readers! Jan in WY

The Idaho Beauty said...

Thanks Jan, and thanks for the compliment. Oh if I only still looked that good - lol. The husband however, forever ageless and I don't mind that.

Pat said...

With my nightly glass of wine, I raise my glass to you, for your transparency, your courage, your endurance, for what was, and what is.
I'm glad our "electronic" paths have crossed.

The Idaho Beauty said...

Thank you Pat, for the extra toast. I too am glad that we've had the chance to get to know one another thanks to the internet.

Christine Staver said...

He was a handsome devil. It sounds like you had a wonderful life together.

Sherrie Spangler said...

He certainly was a handsome one. You both look lovely in the Olympia pictures!

The Idaho Beauty said...

Thanks Sherrie - I have to laugh when going through the pre-digital camera pics, remembering how you didn't just take shots of everything and know right away if they came out well. These are beauts for sure. As for the ubiquitous selfies, my camera did have a timer on it so I was able to get shots of us together documenting places we stopped at on our travels. Since Allen grumbled a bit about those set-ups, I can just imagine he wouldn't be keen on selfies today - lol.

The Idaho Beauty said...

Thanks Chris! Our married life wasn't all peaches and cream, I don't think any marriage is. The trick is working through the hard parts and making sure there are plenty of great parts. I am so grateful for the life we had together - it was indeed wonderful, full of many happy memories and loving moments. :-)