An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth.
Bonnie Friedman
Oh, to be wealthy in this way, but at the moment I am juggling distractions that are not allowing me an unhurried sense of time. There's the clogged sink that after 4 days and much back & forth with the landlord is running free again. There's the Dakar Rally requiring daily visits to the website to watch videos and get the latest news. And there's new frames to decide upon, a process complicated by blurred vision when trying to see what I look like in them. But I think I have made up my mind. This is what my top choice looks like on the outside:

But this is what they look like on the inside:

I can't help myself. It was either the conservative, stately pair, or these that made me smile every time I picked them up and put them on. A little artsy fartsy, wouldn't you say?
But this is what they look like on the inside:
I can't help myself. It was either the conservative, stately pair, or these that made me smile every time I picked them up and put them on. A little artsy fartsy, wouldn't you say?
I think I'd go for the smile, too!
I think they're perfect for being 'artsy fartsy on the inside' PLUS they make you smile! You'd kick yourself for not choosing the ones you really want!
Indeed - the smile won! I sealed the deal today, and the artsy fartsy frames will soon be in hand with new lenses. The lady helping me agreed, my whole demeanor changed when I put them on, so she was not surprised at my decision!
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