I promised pictures of last week's endeavor, so here they are. I find myself amused by my recent fabric choices for these padfolios, considering that the original pattern was designed, not for commercial fabric, but for fabric printed with altered photos or in some other way showing the mark of the artist. Yet, I'm loving the way some of that commercial fabric in my stash works up. In this case, I followed motifs to cut an interesting curve into the flap - my first time deviating from a straight or angled shaping.

And here you can see why - how lucky was I that the flower fell so perfectly centered along the flap?

And when closed, the curve allows another lovely motif to be seen.

I did minimal stitching on this, just picking out some of the designs with a buttonhole twist silk thread in a most wonderful yellow gold. It has a shine to it that plays nicely with the bit of gilt in the fabric - neither of which really shows in the picture. Edges are satin stitched with Oliver Twist Hand-dyed cotton thread. Velcro dots serve as the closure. Click on any picture for a larger view.

And here you can see why - how lucky was I that the flower fell so perfectly centered along the flap?

And when closed, the curve allows another lovely motif to be seen.

I did minimal stitching on this, just picking out some of the designs with a buttonhole twist silk thread in a most wonderful yellow gold. It has a shine to it that plays nicely with the bit of gilt in the fabric - neither of which really shows in the picture. Edges are satin stitched with Oliver Twist Hand-dyed cotton thread. Velcro dots serve as the closure. Click on any picture for a larger view.
Nice. But you need an elegant paper pad to mirror the elegance of the exterior!
Very elegant! It really needs a deckle-edged, creamy papered notepad inside.
This is gorgeous! I also really like your scarf!
Thank you, thank you! And just where would I find said elegant notepad to insert? It's true this jr legal pad does kind of break the mood.
Deborah, the scarf is now June's, which may help you understand her comment on that post. It really is cool and I plan to make one for myself. I just knew June wouldn't mind being a guinea pig. ;-)
I beg your pardon, m'dear,
I am no guinea pig. Rather I am an elegant walker of Portland streets, draped in the warmth of that scarf, which was quite useful today when it was 58 degrees when I started my walk.
Of course, elegance is dampened a bit when the rest of me is included, but I speak only of the scarf:-) Jer took some photos of me in it, but they turned out dreadful (something about the black shirt and the too bright sky). We're going to try again, tomorrow.
This is wonderful! I love it :) (aka westcountrybuddha)
Love this project! You did a GREAT job:) Happy 4th of July! Jenna Louise
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