This is what I woke up to this morning. Since about Wednesday, Mother Nature has been toying with us, giving as a few inches of fluffy snow here, a few there, nothing to get excited about. Yesterday afternoon the temps were on the cusp - so precipitation became more freezing rain than snow.

But the warnings were out for our area to get 7-10 inches of fresh snow by the end of the day and this time they were correct. When I made my way to the paperbox via snow shovel, I could see that our accumulation for the past week is well within about a foot. Just beautiful...if like me, you have nowhere to go.

I always run my photos through Core Paint Shop Pro for sizing and tweaking before putting them up on the blog. The program always saves your last setting on things like brightness/contrast, and the last thing I worked on apparently needed a lot of contrast adjustment. I was totally shocked when I used the adjustment to lighten up the top photo a tad and this is what flashed on the screen! Ooh my - do we love that texture or what? Can't you see that printed out as fabric? Doesn't this show how one goes from representational to abstraction? By increasing the brightness, there's even more fade of the white areas, more sketchiness of the black lines (click on the photo for larger view where the difference between the two photos is more visible and you may also see some tinges of red along the top). Giving me ideas...
But for now, I think I'll just take a walk out in the real thing.
But the warnings were out for our area to get 7-10 inches of fresh snow by the end of the day and this time they were correct. When I made my way to the paperbox via snow shovel, I could see that our accumulation for the past week is well within about a foot. Just beautiful...if like me, you have nowhere to go.
I always run my photos through Core Paint Shop Pro for sizing and tweaking before putting them up on the blog. The program always saves your last setting on things like brightness/contrast, and the last thing I worked on apparently needed a lot of contrast adjustment. I was totally shocked when I used the adjustment to lighten up the top photo a tad and this is what flashed on the screen! Ooh my - do we love that texture or what? Can't you see that printed out as fabric? Doesn't this show how one goes from representational to abstraction? By increasing the brightness, there's even more fade of the white areas, more sketchiness of the black lines (click on the photo for larger view where the difference between the two photos is more visible and you may also see some tinges of red along the top). Giving me ideas...
But for now, I think I'll just take a walk out in the real thing.
It looks peaceful and beautiful -- and cold!
That would make a great thermofax screen!
Sherrie, actually it's not nearly as cold as it was a week ago. Who'd a thought temps in the 20's would feel balmy??? When the wind was howling sending the already single digit temps into the minus 20 wind chill category, I wondered if I'd been magically transported back to the Midwest!
Connie, Thermofax screen was exactly my first thought! But I've never done that, fooled with any screen printing. Maybe this is a sign...
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