Now you'd think this would be enough to keep me in the studio working. This is what I can look up and see from the sewing machine.
And this when working at the cutting table.

So why did I have such a hard time getting in there and staying in there today? It's not like I woke up thinking, darn, I HAVE to work in the studio today. No, I was excited that I had nothing else on the agenda today, and so could focus solely on getting lots done. But it didn't happen. No sooner did I turn on the machine than the phone rang and it was my brother calling to catch up. Then I let myself get sidetracked on the computer. Just as I was sitting down to lunch, a friend called. After that I decided I may as well shovel my way to the mailbox and do whatever other shoveling needed doing. Then a short walk in the snow to clear my head. NOW I should have no trouble devoting the rest of the day to sewing.

Here's what I was working on, was supposed to finish today, and maybe get started on more. These are my Harvest Moon postcards which are so simple and quick that it is embarrassing that I've dawdled on them. I pondered for days how best to construct them, how to get a nice smooth appliqued curve on that moon, how to avoid handwork but still have a finish I liked. And then the head smackin' "Duh!" moment when I realized this was just my mariner compass sewn into a frame on a smaller scale. I am so comfortable with that method, I can't believe it took me so long to think of it.

It was simple to make templates of freezer paper, drawing the arc with a compass, mark the sewing line and hash marks once they were ironed onto the fabric. It took no time to pin and sew that one seam. I decided not to add batting to these, so the top is layered with decor bond to stabilize it for the free motion stitching of the trees. Once that was done, I fused it onto the back which is also stabilized with decor bond.
And there is where I got stuck. I'm not sure I want to trim these to 4 x 6 and satin stitch around the outside. One will be framed for the upcoming mini exhibit, and I'm thinking I may want mat it, using the excess fabric to tape it in place. Of course, I don't know what color mat, or what frame I'm putting it in, and and and...well, you can see how I might start turning in circles not sure what to do next. So I just left them on the table, the finished dimensions chalked on. And then couldn't make myself do anything else, even though I have plenty to choose from. If I can get out of my driveway tomorrow, I'll head to Ben Franklin and see if I can get some ideas about matting.
And this when working at the cutting table.
So why did I have such a hard time getting in there and staying in there today? It's not like I woke up thinking, darn, I HAVE to work in the studio today. No, I was excited that I had nothing else on the agenda today, and so could focus solely on getting lots done. But it didn't happen. No sooner did I turn on the machine than the phone rang and it was my brother calling to catch up. Then I let myself get sidetracked on the computer. Just as I was sitting down to lunch, a friend called. After that I decided I may as well shovel my way to the mailbox and do whatever other shoveling needed doing. Then a short walk in the snow to clear my head. NOW I should have no trouble devoting the rest of the day to sewing.
Here's what I was working on, was supposed to finish today, and maybe get started on more. These are my Harvest Moon postcards which are so simple and quick that it is embarrassing that I've dawdled on them. I pondered for days how best to construct them, how to get a nice smooth appliqued curve on that moon, how to avoid handwork but still have a finish I liked. And then the head smackin' "Duh!" moment when I realized this was just my mariner compass sewn into a frame on a smaller scale. I am so comfortable with that method, I can't believe it took me so long to think of it.
It was simple to make templates of freezer paper, drawing the arc with a compass, mark the sewing line and hash marks once they were ironed onto the fabric. It took no time to pin and sew that one seam. I decided not to add batting to these, so the top is layered with decor bond to stabilize it for the free motion stitching of the trees. Once that was done, I fused it onto the back which is also stabilized with decor bond.
And there is where I got stuck. I'm not sure I want to trim these to 4 x 6 and satin stitch around the outside. One will be framed for the upcoming mini exhibit, and I'm thinking I may want mat it, using the excess fabric to tape it in place. Of course, I don't know what color mat, or what frame I'm putting it in, and and and...well, you can see how I might start turning in circles not sure what to do next. So I just left them on the table, the finished dimensions chalked on. And then couldn't make myself do anything else, even though I have plenty to choose from. If I can get out of my driveway tomorrow, I'll head to Ben Franklin and see if I can get some ideas about matting.
gorgeous view from your studio window! Looks like inspiration for a quilt!
I love the trees against the orange and the dark background. Gorgeous!
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